Professional Learning Communities
Leadership that matters: cultivating communities of practice
Service Description
Course Description: Today’s educators are on a compelling quest to find ways to hold higher expectations for pupils, improve teaching and learning pedagogies, and increase pupil learning and achievement outcomes. Much is being made known of the value of professional learning communities (PLCs) in education. The notion of the ‘learning organisation’ or the ‘learning community’ has become a buzzword in a number of countries. Various documents and publications go a long way to support the argument that the way in which an organisation learns is a key index to its effectiveness and potential to innovation and growth. Sergiovanni (2001) described the PLC as schools that are like ‘nested communities’ in which collections of people are tied together by common foundational values which lead to “commitment to both individual rights and shared responsibilities” (2001, p.88). Sergiovanni description of a PLC illustrates the importance of a value system that fosters the merging of an individual’s professional goals with that of the school’s vision. It encourages staff members, ideally from the same school, or clusters, to come together to engage with practical ways of what it takes to nurture our schools into communities of learning. The seminar should stimulate and motivate educational staff to organize, moderate and facilitate varied learning initiatives. It should make them more confident in working with colleagues both within and external to the school and at the same time creating opportunities for intercultural learning as people from different countries engage with each other. Target Audience: The course is mainly intended for those currently occupying middle leadership positions (e.g. Deputy principals, Heads of Department) and aspiring school leaders Certificate Europass Mobility certificate – Certificate of attendance Contact us Send us an email on to receive full course content
Contact Details
00356 7983 1981
26 Triq San Pawl, Ħad-Dingli, Malta